Wednesday, November 14, 2007


This in from a priest:
Thanks a lot for your book suggestions. Is there a book you can suggest on Apologetics? How about a Biblical Commentary? If you have suggestions for movies, I would appreciate it if you could send a list too. All the above are materials I have been asked about recently by parishioners. Thanking you in advance for your suggestions.

For apologetics, three books come to mind (although I'm sure there are more!).

Handbook of Christian Apologetics by Peter Kreeft and Roland Tacelli. The subtitle is "hundreds od answers to crucial questions" "A virtual one-volume, self-study course on essential apologetics, elegantly outlined in plain English. Highly recommended." To me, it's thorough, it's clear, and it's user friendly. Also has discussion questions if you would be using this in a group. 400 pages, 22.95. I liked this one the best.

Yes or No: Straight answers to tough questions about Christianity, by Peter Kreeft. This one I found very engaging, especially if I was reading on my own (not really for group study). It's written in the form of a conversation, so it's very readable. Might be a good one for someone who is interested in the subject but isn't inclined to "heavy" reading. However, if the person wants to do further reading, there are suggested titles in the back of the book and also questions for discussion. 190 pages, 12.95

Reasons to Believe (How to understand, explain, and defend the Catholic Church) by Scott Hahn. If you've read any of Scott Hahn's other titles, then you're familiar with his stye: very clear, very readable, very convincing. And coming from someone who is himself a convert and passionate about the faith, it's a book to have. 227 pages, 21.95

Hope that helps. I'll get back to you soon on recommendations for Biblical Commentary! That list will be a little longer.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I got an e-mail asking when I was going to resume ordinary blogging. I don't know! For now it's easier to have Sr. Anne record me on video talking about the books I love. And speaking of books I love...